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Eaton 3S850F zdroj nepřerušovaného napětí Pohotovostní režim (offline) 0,85 kVA 510 W 8 AC zásuvky / AC zásuvek
Odhadovanou dobu doručení poskytují přepravci. Umožňuje určit předpokládané datum, kdy vaše objednávka dorazí.
Vybrat požadovaný produkt
> Pohotovostní režim (offline)
> 0,85 kVA 510 W
> 8 AC zásuvky / AC zásuvek
> Olověná (VRLA)
> Černá, Bílá
![The two main UPS topologies are Double-Conversion True Online and Standby / Eco. Many quality-based considerations are involved when choosing the the optimal UPS for the job, like how they are coping with voltage disturbances. Kategorie zdrojů nepřerušovaného napájení](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The maximum power that the device can produce. Výstupní kapacita (VA)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The power that the device can produce. Výstupní výkon](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The minumum voltage needed by the device during operation. Vstupní operační napětí (min)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The maximum input voltage supported by the device. Vstupní operační napětí (max)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The frequency (Hz) which is required to power the product. Vstupní frekvence](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The minumum voltage produced by the device during operation. Výstupní operační napětí (min)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The maximum output voltage produced by the device. Výstupní operační napětí (max)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The greatest possible amount of current Maximální proud](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Features that protect the device against power problems e.g. overload. Prvky ochrany napájení](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The number of sockets in the device where AC electrical power can be connected. Počet zásuvek](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The device features a socket into which a USB cable can be plugged. USB port](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Number of USB 2.0 ports (connecting interfaces) in the device. USB 2.0 was released in April 2000 (now called Počet portů USB 2.0](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The type of battery in the device Typ baterie](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![How long the cable is. Délka kabelu](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The colour e.g. red Barva](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The minimum and maximum temperatures at which the product can be safely operated. Provozní rozsah teplot (T-T)](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![List of regulatory safety standards for all countries in which this product has been certified. Bezpečnost](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The measurement or extent of something from side to side. Šířka](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The distance from the front to the back of something. Hloubka](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The measurement of the product from head to foot or from base to top. Výška](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![Weight of the product without packaging (net weight). If possible Hmotnost](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)
![The voltage which the manufacturer recommends that the device needs to operate normally. Nominální vstupní napětí](https://gfx.senetic.com/gfx/help_new.png)